Hello, and welcome to the new and, hopefully, improving Livinghiho web site.
The recipes should now be easier to search and locate something you are looking for. So if you want a new salad to try just click on salads and browse. If you have way too much cabbage in your house go to the site search and type in 'cabbage' and you will get all the recipes that contain cabbage.
If you were previously printing all the 4 square PDF files for a book, do not dispair they are available at the bottom of each recipe. We are still working on getting that to function properly so please be patient and it will be up and running soon. The index will also return, I just have to find a place to put it.
The calendar also has some improved functions. Look for an item of interest on the month you desire and then click on it and more information will come up. You don't have to read through everything now to find the item you are interested in.
Now I will be better able to post articles of interest in the middle of the month and keep things up to date as they happen rather than once a month.
So check in often, browse around, I will be adding content as time permits. I plan on having a page on recycling in the Lansing area. A page for all the groups in the state that I know of. Please feel free to e-mail me from the contact page and let me know what you think and if you have any suggestions. things you'd like to see and that kind of thing.
My best