Peach Cobbler


Very sweet and delicious


Cobbler Ingredients   
7 big peaches, skinned   
3 dashes cinnamon   
3 TBSP coconut oil   
1/4 c agave nectar   
dash sea salt   
Crumble topping   
1 c pecans   
1 c dates   
2 TBSP coconut oil   
1 tsp pure vanilla extract   



Put 5 peaches plus the rest of the cobbler ingredients in a food processor   
grind until smooth, then add to a glass casserole dish   
add the other 2 peaches, chopped to this mixture   

Crumble topping   
pulse chop all in a food processor
crumble on top of the peaches  
place in dehydrator for 2-3 hours  
optional dehydrate only 10 minutes to see which you like better