Quick Berry Coulis


Sweet and pretty sauce to use on ice cream or to decorate dessert plates


2 1/2 c fresh ripe berries, cleaned and for larger berries coarsely chopped   
2 TBSP agave nectar   
1 TBSP fresh lemon juice   
1 TBSP orange liqueur, such as Grand Marnier or Cointreau, optional   
 could possibly use orange essential oil as well 


combine berries, agave and lemon juice in food processor bowl   
let stand 5 minutes   
add 1/4 c water and liqueur if using   
puree till completely smooth   
strain through fine mesh sieve, stirring and pressing with wooden spoon    
to remove seeds   
Coulis is a fancy word for a colorful, versatile dessert sauce.    
place in a small squirt bottle to decorate dessert plates or squeeze over   
ice cream and other desserts