
Recipe Recipe Description
Cucumber Sandwich

Different way to make a sandwich but is very portable

Cucumber Wakame

a cucumber maranade dish different than the traditional creamy sauce type

Cucumber Yam Salad

Something new and different

Cucumber-Dill Salad

Light and tasty

Curried Cabbage and Arame

A fantastic salad that you can take to any potluck and people will rave over it.

Curried Cauliflower Salad

Cauliflower salad with a Middle Eastern flavor

Curried Wild Rice Casserole with cheesy Sauce

Very different for a raw food dish

Curry Cauliflower Cous Cous

Fluffy and beautiful

Dark Chocolate Mousse

Yumm chocolate delight

Date Nut Torte

Really sweet and really tasty dessert
