Next Potluck
Monday June 2nd
1001 Chester, Lansing Mi
Click here for the map and more info Lansing Raw Food Potluck Group
Benefits of Honey with Joyce Wang
Honey will not only give people good health, but also longevity. This has been known for generations, yet few truly know how and why. Joyce Wang has been using honey for more than twenty years, and few years ago, she started to study honey and health, and after reading many books and articles and doing experiments, she began to teach people about honey and health. First among her friends, family, and then later on at Okemos Community Education Center, at the Flint Beekeeper's Club, during ANR (Agriculture and Natural Resources) week at MSU, and at the Detroit Beekeepers' Association. She is a member of the Michigan Beekeeper Association. Through her teaching, many people found relief from their allergies, breathing problems, sleeping problems, hair problems, etc. Joyce received her Bachelor's at Agricultural Economics in China, and is a wife and a mother of two.
Song of the Morning, Totally Raw retreat
Totally Healthy! Totally Invigorating!
June 20-22 2008
Friday – Sunday
Led by Bob McCauley - Janice Welsh and Danielle Anwar
Come experience an entire weekend of fresh and raw plant based foods. Learn about hands-on meal preparation and lectures on the amazing benefits of switching to a plant-based diet.
Phone (989) 983-4107 for reservations and directions
Fee: $200 All-inclusive (scholarships available)
Delicious * Living * Sun-Cooked * Life Giving * Plant Based * Meals
click here for details of the retreat
For Sale Ads
FOR SALE : Epson CX7400 all in one printer for only $30. It was purchased in early spring but the box has never been opened. It copies, scans and prints and you can even use your camera or computer memory card. You can look it up online at and search for the model number for more information.
If interested, you may reach me at or call 332-8247 or 410-3091.
Susan Kelly
Miracle Electric Wheat Grass Juicer
Model MJ550
Been used for 6 months, asking $125
Call Mrs Mitchell
Massive Raw Food Action A "Wake Up Call" From Frederic Patenaude
Do you sometimes find yourself in a state of low energy, a little depressed perhaps, or just "gross" in general? Maybe you wake up one day and realize that for the past few days you've been feeling kind of low.
And then you think about what you've been eating lately, you realize that your diet has kind of been going downhill. Eating out at restaurants, or eating more fat than usual, or grabbing whatever is available without taking the time to eat lots of healthy raw foods.
If you've never felt like this, you're one of the rare few and it's likely that many people think you're probably not from this planet! In any case, what I'm going to talk about can apply to some of your human friends who may be feeling low in energy and gross, once in a while.
The solution is something simple that I learned years ago when I made friends with the people who are now considered to be the top "raw food" promoters on the planet.
"Taking Massive Raw Food Action"
About 8 years ago I was working with David Wolfe and his company Nature's First Law in California. If you don't know these guys, well, they're sort of the modern "gurus" of raw foods.
Back then, they had a saying about "taking massive raw food action", which was their main strategy for transitioning to a raw food diet.
But this seemingly extreme advice actually is good as it applies to everyone even if they are not raw foodists.
Raw fruits and vegetables are by far the healthiest foods, so the easiest, number one way to feel like a million bucks is to start putting more of those in your body!
*Question*: Can you show me an example of taking massive
raw food action?
When I talk about raw foods here I mean raw fruits and vegetables. We'll exclude nuts, seeds, avocados and other fatty foods which must be limited for various optimal health reasons.
But no matter what you're diet is like, you can start taking "massive raw food action" simply by putting more fruits and vegetables in your body.
It's easy to do. Simple changes can easily be incorporated into your day. Add a few slices of that delicious watermelon to your morning breakfast routine. Bring a jug of homemade smoothies to work with you. Head to the grocery store or your local farmer's market and stock up on lots of delicious blackberries, raspberries, strawberries and blueberries and eating these antioxidant-rich foods like candy!
Q: How can I get started with taking massive raw food action?
A: Here are some quick tips to get started taking massive raw food action, even if you are a committed raw foodist.
* Go to the grocery store and get a ton of fruits and
vegetables, and make sure you buy those that you like and
not just those you think you should eat because you think
they are better for you. If you like seedless grapes, get
those, even though you may worry they are not as nutritious as other fruits.
* Commit to an exclusively raw breakfast. Eat as much fruit as desired.
* Always eat a big apple before every cooked meal. Eat the apple about 30 minutes before the meal. Remember, one apple a day keeps the doctor away... and 3 apples and day keeps the *surgeon* away.
* Get the raw food in every way you can. Summer is the time to do it. Go bananas on berries. Have fun with this.
* Eat a big salad or drink a big green smoothie every single day.
* If you already eat a lot of raw foods, and you don't feel at your best, chances are that you're not eating enough. Take even more massive action by eating more high-calorie fruits like bananas and mangoes.
* Eat the amount of raw foods you feel comfortable eating, without forcing it, and make sure you enjoy what you eat! Try out new fruits or buy your favorite ones, even if they are a little more expensive.
* Use your blenders to make smoothies and other treats.
* Freeze some bananas to make bananas "ice-cream" by running the frozen banana pieces in a food processor or a special juicer (like the Champion).
* When watching TV, bring a nice bowl of grapes or berries and enjoy a healthy treat. Do the same at the movie theater! It's cheaper than popcorn and a lot better for you!
When you get more raw foods into your body, you will feel better. The point is not to become a "raw foodist"
necessarily but to understand that fresh fruits and
vegetables are the healthiest foods for your body.
This week, take massive raw food action!
PS: If you'd like to take massive raw food action and
start experiencing the benefits of a raw diet right away,
check out our program the "Green for Life Program".
About 4 times a year we lead a live "green cleanse" where
you can go completely raw, "detox" your body and get
my support and motivation. Check it out here:
Fred's web site
RAWdie Ladies & Gents
A potluck group in Jackson
For all my friends south of Lansing there is now a potluck that meets the 3rd Wednesday of the month so for June that will be June 18th, 6:15 to 8:30PM at the Unity Church of Jackson at 3385 Miles Rd, Jackson
If you need more information call Char Raby 517-529-9073 or e-mail her at
For those of you who have been to CHI one of the members of this group is Mary Lou Sackett who really knows how to prepare great raw food.
If you are close to this group you should check it out.
New Product: Tooth Soap
I was just introduced to this product (thank you David) and wanted to pass along the information to you. Tooth soap. I have been using the dry product for many years (some of you may have purchased it from Victoria Boutenko) and am about to try to liquid. The dry does tastes like soap although it grows on you and you begin to enjoy the clean feeling it leaves. My hygentist says my teeth are easier to clean. There is also a remineralization product I am going to try. I have a tooth that has a small crack and I’d like to see if this can heal it. I go back to the dentist in 6 months. I’ll let you know what happens. So if you are interested click here Pefect perscription tooth soap or if you are reading this by regular mail call me if you want to try the products.
Cricket 517-882-1033
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