Pretty crisp and tasty cracker
Sandy Seiler
1 C soft wheat berries
1 c rye berries
1 TBSP Braggs Aminos
1 TBSP honey or a couple of dates
1 TBSP caraway seeds
1/2 onion chopped
soak the wheat & rye berries overnite, then spout them for 1 day
process the wheat, rye and dates through the champion juicer with the blank plate
Mix the rest of the ingredients together with the first mixture
spread mixture as thin as possible on your dehydrator tray with the teflex sheets.
(can use a dab of olive oil on the teflex for ease of removal)
Dehydrate at 105 degrees for 5-6 hours
Then flip over and remove the teflex and continue drying until desired crispness