
Recipe Recipe Description
Cauliflower Parsley Salad

Quick and easy salad

Cauliflower Salad

Small 2 person salad, delicious

Cauliflower Salad wi Mung Bean Sprouts
Cauliflower Salad wi raisins & pecans

A copy of the cauliflower salad from the cooked world

Cauliflower Tahini Dressing

Spicy and creamy

Celery Slaw

very alkalizing salad with a refreshing flavor

Celery Soup

A favorite soup of mine. Ate this every night for a while

Celery Soup

Full bodied soup with great flavor

Celestial Pecan Pie

Hands down the best pecan pie ever made

Chai Spice Chutney

Sweet chutney for use with fruits or crackers
