
Recipe Recipe Description
Spaghetti wi basil & oregano

Nice thick sauce and great flavor, can use dried herbs in place of fresh

Spaghetti wi red sauce

Healthy spaghetti with a hearty sauce

Spanish Rice

Very colorful substitute for spanish rice

Spiced Oatmeal with Dried Fruits

Really sweet oatmeal

Spiced Pumpkin Seed Cookies

Cookies with the spices from pumpkin pie

Spicy Greens

Simple to make, heats you up

Spicy Kale Chips

Snack food, somthing to munch while watching a movie

Spicy Kiwi-Strawberry Lemonade

Refreshing and tasty

Spicy Pomegranate Caesar Dressing

Caesar Dressing with just a touch of spice

Spinach & Cauliflower Salad

Great way to get that cauliflower in your diet
