
Recipe Recipe Description
Sweet Salsa

An easy to put together Salsa that you can put together fresh in a short time.

Sweet Spice Banana Crackers

Sweet crunchy crackers, great for dessert

Swiss Chard Salad

Basic salad

Tabouleh or Suff-Soof

Tabouleh with mint and green onions

Tabouli wi mint

Typical middle eastern tabouli

Tabouli wi tomatoes & cukes

Almost a fatoush with the cucumbers

Tabouli with Sesame Seeds

Sesame seeds have been substituted for the bulgar in this raw food tabouli.

Tabouli with Sunflower Seeds

Tabouli with some surprise ingredients

Taco Nut Meat

Really authentic tasting taco "meat"

Taco Salad

Use the taco meat however you choose or make this great salad
